A guy on the train next to me just now was opening a HUGE Scientology package in Russian. Or Greek. The alphabets look similar, right? Or am I just on crack again? Anyway, it was many many CDs in several clamshell packages. I wanted to ask how much it cost.
I think Jesse could easily find a starfish pin to add to her Prince ensemble, and a coffee cup could be readily filled with Kristal as necessary.
That was ita's ensemble, but I do have a starfish magnet. Maybe I should steal that costume idea. I have nothing against faux-used condoms.
OH! And HALLELUJAH! We got an extension on the stupid movie assignment, so I don't need to be writing it now.
More Republican defiance of Bush:
WASHINGTON - The Republican-controlled Senate voted Wednesday to impose restrictions on the treatment of terrorism suspects, delivering a rare wartime rebuke to President Bush.
Defying the White House, senators voted 90-9 to approve an amendment that would prohibit the use of “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” against anyone in U.S. government custody, regardless of where they are held.
Bush administration officials say the legislation would limit the president’s authority and flexibility in war.
I just had two lengthy family phone calls and got all energized when I need to be winding down. POOP! someone come over and bore me so I can go to bed.
Just look at the tv for a while. That should be boring enough.
Yikes, quester!
Does anyone else watch Over There?
Have never seen it. I do know my Marine friend who just back from Iraq in March hates it with the firey passion of a million suns. His scathing retort to someone's favorable review of it got him banned from Friendster. I'm guessing it's not so much with the accurate. Can't vouch for the writing due to the whole not seeing it part.
Dear Jesse,
love, me.
ps. please save all the shows I am missing on your DVR. thanks.
The alphabets look similar, right?
Yep. Cyrillic has its roots in the Greek alphabet.
quester, he is. One of my favourite characters. I was also impressed with Mark-Paul Gosselaar, when he was on.
Kalshane, I've also heard that. I've decided to watch it more as art/entertainment than as reality.
Kalshane, I've also heard that. I've decided to watch it more as art/entertainment than as reality.
I can understand that. And apologies if I came across as judgemental. Though when I first heard about the series, I wondered (and still do)about the tastefullness of making a show about a war real people are still dying in on a daily basis.