Do all dogs need this?
Dogs who get infections in there, do. My dog did for a while: I think it was because I was leaving him at a kennel without a grassy yard and
he's really particular about where he poops. So he didn't poop, and I think getting backed up caused the infections.
TMDI, I expect.
Oooh, indictments would be grand!
Does anyone else watch Over There?
Hey! Principal Snyder is on
(Not at the moment, but earlier in the episode.)
Am right now, quester
I really like this show, in a weekly-gut-punch kind of way.
I bounce back and forth, between "Ok, that was unnecessary" and "Oooooh."
I used to hate Eric Palladino when he was on ER. Now, I realize it was the bad writing. He's really knocking it out of the park in this show.
A guy on the train next to me just now was opening a HUGE Scientology package in Russian. Or Greek. The alphabets look similar, right? Or am I just on crack again? Anyway, it was many many CDs in several clamshell packages. I wanted to ask how much it cost.
I think Jesse could easily find a starfish pin to add to her Prince ensemble, and a coffee cup could be readily filled with Kristal as necessary.
That was ita's ensemble, but I do have a starfish magnet. Maybe I should steal that costume idea. I have nothing against faux-used condoms.
OH! And HALLELUJAH! We got an extension on the stupid movie assignment, so I don't need to be writing it now.