WHY are people asking me questions that make me panic (
OMG! The only reason they'd not know is if I fucked something up! Shit! Damnit!)
and then I discover that they are asking because they are clearly DUMBASSES who don't read their mail?
And worse, they are dumbasses that could fire me.
But I left in the line that indicated they were a recipient in the forwarded message anyway.
Bon, that's happened to me twice...sucks, huh?
ALWAYS on the worst day I've ever had.
That might explain why I'm staring confusedly at the style guide.
Is there any other way to stare at the style guide? Other than disgustedly?
Yeah...I was born with weirdo GPS.
Is there any other way to stare at the style guide? Other than disgustedly?
Well, sometimes it has answers. Not answers I think are actually, y'know, elegant or helpful, but at least answers in the "This is how it has always been done" vein.
I prayed with them to GET THEM TO GO AWAY. That took another 10-15 minutes.
I think I would have started screaming at them. Full, top-of-my-lungs screaming GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT. But then, when I'm that upset & crying, any sense of tact I have has already left the building.
I thought at first that by Interpol, you meant the band and wondered what the problem was.
Interpol the band is welcome to chat me up. My past treatment at international border crossings leads me to believe that Interpol the organization has been circulating my description.
"Incredibly hot woman standing at an angle that clearly demonstrates her immunity to gravity"?
anyone other than a very close friend and/or my brother who attempts to engage me in any way while I am crying will meet my VERY LOUD self with extra rage as a free bonus. Seriously? What the hell is wrong with people?