And God knows that in 1882, you'd be noticing that entire families had tuberculosis.
TB is a good example of how silly it is to ask whether a disorder is "genetic" or "environmental." TB is caused by a bacterium, of course, not by a genetic defect. But, as in most infectious disorders, genetic variation determines how susceptible you are to infection. TB ran right through some families and left others untouched.
The reason this matters is that genetic studies can lead us to effective treatment/prevention even when the disorder is not genetic. Something different is happening in those invulnerable people, and if we can identify the genes that differ between them and the rest of us we may be able to trace the gene products to useful drug treatments.
No offense, but I really hated living in that state. I'm glad I moved.
None taken. I never really belonged there anyway. I don't miss it. But I'm in Ohio now--not sure if that's much better.
Allyson, get some Cold Eeze lozenges stat. They're Zinc and Vitamin C. If you're coming down with a cold, they can pretty much head it off, reducing symptoms and duration.
I like msbelle's suggestion better.
Well. I was just outside having a smoke, and a lady sat down next to me and handed me a pamphlet titled, " So Who Is This Jesus, Anyway?"
When I politely indicated my disinterest and said that I was just trying to escape the stress of my office for a few minutes, she asked if I wanted to pray with her.
I think I prefer getting harangued by Jehovah.
Allyson, kill a man to watch him die. It won't do much for your cold but it feels great!
shrift, I think bon's advice to Allyson will work for you too.
" So Who Is This Jesus, Anyway?"
Isn't there a book (part of a trilogy) in HHGttG-verse entitled "Who is this God Person, Anyway?" or something very similar? (It's been ages since I last read HHG, I need to rectify that soon). If I was making up a pro-religious pamphlet, I'd try to avoid any titles that echoed those of made-up books in a comedy.
shrift, "do you want to pray with me" is jackhole code for "please punch me in the face or burn me with your cig." Next time you'll know.