Why is it too late? Isn't the commitment ceremony on the coming weekend? I bet you can find pretty medium heels, by then
The commitment ceremony is this Saturday at 5. I have Friday evening free, in theory, but if I don't do laundry then, I'll be naked Saturday morning at krav. Not much shopping time, and from my look-see yesterday, the medium delicate heels are few and far between. That height is the standard height.
I can walk in them. I have no idea for how long, since this is new, but I can walk without looking the fool.
We shall learn.
I saw your previous, kinder-ish taunt, earlier this morning, but then lost track of which thread I'd seen it in.
Well played, Narrator. The White Sox flogged and punished us, but good.
I wouldn't dispair. This is the first time the White Sox have won a playoff game at home since the 1959 World Series. It's likely they won't win another.
I'll be naked Saturday morning at krav.
This is for the In-My-Plan-We-Are-Beltless Belt?
Oh, and Narrator, I forgot to add, the first Red Sox game I ever attended was against the White Sox. I went with a group from my church. I must have been in late elementary school, but I disremember the circumstances. The father who took us got a parking ticket. I got a sunburn, and cut and sprained my ankle, trying to stand on my seat at the game. And? The White Sox kicked our butts but good (I want to say 11-1 or 11-0).
I'm pretty sure my experience says something about being born and bred in Red Sox nation, but I'm not sure what.
Fourth grade is so different from third.
It really is. Though I also thought third was a quantum leap up from 2nd.
Emmett is also doing longitude and latitude, incidentally. He is also working with salt dough.
Hey, today (in addition to being Tom and Nora Day), is Dine For America day, with proceeds going to hurricane relief.
First Paris and Paris, now Nick and Jessica:
Can any sham celebrity couple make it these days?
Can any sham celebrity couple make it these days?
Aren't Tom and Katie still together?
It really is. Though I also thought third was a quantum leap up from 2nd.
Ben really coasted through third grade. He and his second grade teacher were unmixy things though, so that might have been why.
Emmett is also doing longitude and latitude, incidentally. He is also working with salt dough.
Salt dough? Whazzit?