TAR: Actually, I'd guess it's pretty easy
when you're driving the wrong direction. Man, the dad in that family is a tool.
The father with
the three daughters needs to get his head out of his ass, fast. When you're wiped from finding the clue, don't insist on doing the damn roadblock. And then they pick the more physical option of the roadblocks? What-ev. The girls also need to stop letting him get away with it.
OMG, the family with the
kids isn't really doing the carrying challenge,
are they? They couldn't possibly be.
Does the Branson family dad
have a heart condition
? Or is he
just very out of shape
Bwah! The Rogers family
is choosingt the lamp option
TAR: Why did so few do the oil thing? It would have been so much easier!
Wait, why is that funny, Sumi?
I think the Branson
dad is just way out of shape.
Ooh. Did we know that Christian Kane has a new show? Close to Home, after TAR.
Hey, it's whathisface on my teevee. From Angel. The one handed lawyer!
I thought that the
lamp oil
choice actually
was taking
Well, I wanted either the
or the
to finish last - so I'm happy.
I keep expecting him to wander into the basement and meet a scary guy with knives.
That boat that capsized in Lake George -
At the time it flipped over, the 38-foot Ethan Allen was just under its capacity of 48 passengers a figure that was arrived at by using a New York standard that assumes a 150-pound average for each man, woman and child, authorities said. The U.S. Coast Guard standard assumes a 140-pound average for each person.
Ouch. I wonder if they do elevators using the same scale.