My poor cat was a little traumatised by all the commotion there for a minute, but of course now he's forgotten all about it.
The Mummy Returns is on tv. It's like a pretty-off. Sweet. Of course, now I'm never going to come up with a good question for class and will end up handing in something half-assed yet again.
So it ran into my apartment and started hissing at my cat. Rude! Anyway, they all headed off again.
With the cat, I hope? Note: if the visiting cat had fuzzy little balls under its tail? NOT PREGNANT.
I'm sure Homer is over it. Poor wussy behemoth.
It is nice to have neighbors, in the neighborly sense. I'm the catlady in mine, for sure, since pre-MK, Devi has a bout of running into the stairwell whenever I opened the door and now, well, MK tries to visit EVERYONE.
With the cat, I hope?
Yes. I would have helped them figure out what to do, but they were like, "OK! Bye!"
Note: if the visiting cat had fuzzy little balls under its tail? NOT PREGNANT.
HOW CAN YOU GET LOST GETTING TO/ON 83!!@#! It's the easiest, most well marked road EVAH. Good lord. And the intersection with 695 is a breeze. Except at rush hour, but it's not that.
Sheesh. Also, so far, boring.
Have I ever mentioned the toddler I sat who tried to get the little fuzzy balls to play with? Had to explain to him they were attached, just like his. He called them fuzzmaahbls.
Luckily, he was gentle, so the cat was bemused, but unharmed.
I gave up brontosaurus but I am not giving up Pluto as a planet.
When did we lose "brontosaurus"?!?
[link] :(
I have an AIM question: Is there any way to do stuff to the Groups in your buddy list en masse? Like, could I block the work people all at once when I'm not at work? Not that they AIM me when I'm not there, but still.
TAR: Actually, I'd guess it's pretty easy
when you're driving the wrong direction. Man, the dad in that family is a tool.
The father with
the three daughters needs to get his head out of his ass, fast. When you're wiped from finding the clue, don't insist on doing the damn roadblock. And then they pick the more physical option of the roadblocks? What-ev. The girls also need to stop letting him get away with it.
OMG, the family with the
kids isn't really doing the carrying challenge,
are they? They couldn't possibly be.
Does the Branson family dad
have a heart condition
? Or is he
just very out of shape
Bwah! The Rogers family
is choosingt the lamp option