He also said "I'm on the computer enough as it is," at which point I knew I was talking to a crazy person and got the hell out of there.
I usually get to that point a couple times a year, and then I go on vacation. After a few days without computer access, I remember that I don't know how to live without Google.
I love it when the interweb makes fun of ugly people.
Some say the internet is for porn, but really, where would it be without the mocking?
My computer was in the shop for a whole week last month. I was freaking the hell out the whole time. I actually find Wikipedia more useful than Google these days, though.
where would it be without the mocking?
I had to explain to someone that the only reason I really like to be around people at all is because of the opportunities it offers to mock!
So, speaking of annoying New York types... I was just in McDonald's and this little girl was throwing a drama fit about how she couldn't possibly sit
with lots of pointing and gasping. The nanny was like, whatever, and started moving to another table. Finally the little girl said, "They
on the
Since when do five year olds know what a banquet is?
Um, what is a banquet. I mean, I know the "fancy feast" definition, but did she mean the table, or counter, or what.
Also? She's smart. Chris (will I EVER stop typing that as "Christ" < backspace > < space >) talked me into it, and my stomach is still unhappy, two and a half hours later.
I think it's ban-ket, which is a built in bench.
Fuck, I don't mean banquet. Banquette? The seats along the wall.
This is why I'll never be rich.
She meant the seat. (Pronounced like the qu are a k, I believe.)