Having a baby is a patent violation because the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office routinely grants patents on human gene sequences found in all humans.
Yeah, they're not helping their cause by claiming that.
All the clean hydrogen we need to power the world is already contained in crystals at the bottom of the ocean called gas hydrates.
TRUE. The mainstream U.S. press doesn't talk about it much, but the world's hydrogen problems have a ready solution. Frozen ice crystals found off the shores of Canada, Japan, Russia, Iceland and other nations with Northern shores contain vast quantities of clean, frozen hydrogen -- enough to power the entire world far beyond the limits of petroleum reserves. The U.S. press doesn't talk much about gas hydrates, preferring to focus on hydrogen derived from either natural gas or petroleum (resources the U.S. tends to own or control).
It'd be nice if this was true. I actually know nothing about this, but this reminds me of the people who say that if we only legalized pot and made everything out of hemp, we'd solve all the world's energy and pollution problems while creating world peace.
A lot of those aren't true/false questions. Perhaps I'm a wanna-be tool of The Man.
Oh, that too. But I was thinking of
Oh, yeah -- that made me snicker.
I'm very curious about the organization behind this quiz -- is it a hoax, or a bunch of genuine nutjobs?
Tools of the Man, allayez.
Who'm I kidding--I don't know his name and he's probably eating my candy as we speak.
This is my fear. I handed eight bucks to some kid who told me she lives on the second floor.
This question bugged me:
The U.S. is the most technologically advanced nation in the world.
Because there are any number of ways to measure "technologically advanced nations."
The last question makes me wonder if there's some Christian Science connection.
That quiz is more for people who have lined their whole houses with tinfoil and who sit around waiting for the black helicopters.
oh shit. I did really well on that quiz!
Prescription drugs approved as safe by the FDA are safe to consume on a long-term basis.
FALSE. FDA-approved drugs have killed more Americans than the entire Vietnam War, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and all murders over the last twenty years combined. Even the American Medical Association openly admits nearly 100,000 deaths each year due to approved prescription drugs.
No, the deaths are due to administering drugs together that cause a fatal reaction, or a patient taking drugs with a food or beverage (grapefruit juice is death with a lot of drugs) that causes a fatal reaction, or patients who take the drug incorrectly, or pharmacists who dispense the wrong drug or the wrong dosage of the right drug.
(many times, the older drugs are far safer).
And many times they aren't. See also, psychiatric medications.
In reality, most new drugs are simply medical experiments, and American consumers are guinea pigs.
I think I hurt something laughing at that.
Even the drug side effect reporting system at the FDA is entirely voluntary.
Well, *yeah,* because how does the FDA know if Mr. John Doe Patient in Cedar Falls had an adverse reaction to his cholesterol medication? The side effect reporting system is voluntary because Big Brother doesn't, actually, exist.