I don't have a good sense of what her legal experience actually is, although she was a president of her law firm.
And even that is not a position in which you practice law, at least IME. It's a management position. At a firm with 400 lawyers she'd have her hands full.
Here's something from the "well, duh!" file. But it's nice that Bush has not managed to fuck up the GAO - so far, anyway.
GAO: Bush Team Broke Law With 'Covert Propaganda'
NEW YORK The Bush Administration violated laws prohibiting the use of covert propaganda when it secretly paid broadcaster/ columnist Armstrong Williams to promote its education policies, and by hiring a public relations company to analyze media perceptions of the Republican Party, the U.S. Government Accountability Office said Friday.
In its account Saturday, The New York Times said the report "provided the first definitive ruling on the legality of the activities....In a blistering report, the investigators, from the Government Accountability Office, said the administration had disseminated 'covert propaganda' in the United States, in violation of a statutory ban."
Depends on your meaning of qualified-- these people should be the leading lights of the legal establishment. It's the Supreme Court! I don't think that Thomas *was* qualified-- at his confirmation hearing when asked what he thought the most important cases were between Roe and the hearing he could name Roe and a couple of employment cases-- but at least he was head of an agency, a federal judge and he went to the best law school in the country. Miers has never done any legal scholarship, never clerked, and never practiced in front of the Supreme Court, let alone written a decision. She has NO experience with the kind of problems and the kind of thinking that this job requires-- and that, to me, is unqualified. Rehnquist was not a judge before being nominated to the Court, but he graduated top of his class at Stanford, was clerk to Justice Jackson and worked for the Office of Legal Counsel (IIRC)-- all experience that led him to do quite a bit of thinking about those kind of issues. A commercial lawyer is just a different kettle of fish.
Thanks, bon. So what you are saying is that, yeah, Thomas kinda lowered the bar in some ways, but that Miers is unqualified for different reasons, that she is a commercial lawyer, not a constitutional scholar.
And yeah, Consuela, her fierce loyalty to Bush gives me pause. I just don't have any faith for Congress to call her on it.
Excuse me while I take a brief moment to bitch.
*deep breath*
...I definitely need to run this e-mail past my boss before sending.
And even that is not a position in which you practice law, at least IME. It's a management position.
Miers has never done any legal scholarship, [...], and never practiced in front of the Supreme Court, let alone written a decision. She has NO experience with the kind of problems and the kind of thinking that this job requires-- and that, to me, is unqualified.
This bothers me, as well. If we can't get someone I agree with, can we at least get someone really really smart and good at the job? Sigh.
Damn, I'm blowing off work.
t disappears
...I definitely need to run this e-mail past my boss before sending.
Maybe hold off on the ASSCAPS.
I overhear my annoying coworker talking about politics a lot. He claims that abortion is the primary issue that he votes on. He simply will not vote for a candidate that's pro-choice.
I honestly believe that getting Roe v. Wade overturned would be a disaster for the Republican party, and GOP strategists know this. Once abortion stops being an issue, a whole bunch of votes that were a lock-in for the Republicans suddenly wouldn't be any more, not to mention a huge backlash from people on the other side.
Maybe hold off on the ASSCAPS.
But they would be so satisfying!
Well sure, but that's why you have us. To let out the asscaps.
ION, I am such a sucker -- I just bought candy from a neighbor kid selling for school. Not cheap, either! But I've never had a kid come door-to-door to my door.
If we can't get someone I agree with, can we at least get someone really really smart and good at the job? Sigh.
Precisely. The Roes and Lawrences of this world are few and far between. But we have to practice under hundreds of lesser decisions that really should be authored by one of the amazingly brilliant jurists out there. The swing vote-- AK and SOC-- makes the Court's jurisprudence in their own image. I don't want her to be it.