Based on those links, Jesse, I'm going to have to check out my nearby Nordie's. The last shoes don't come in my size, and the first ones won't ship fast enough. But promising!
deliberately, or more of an unconscious spraying?
Involuntary spraying. She mopped it up, but didn't apologise.
I'm scouring the web for reaction to the Miers nomination. It's highly entertaining, although I honestly pity "true" conservatives who support Bush only because of the possibility of setting the next generations's Court agenda and were royally fucked by this.
Even if it were possible for Miers to pull a Souter and turn left I'd be afraid that, as a probable swing vote, she (well, her clerks) would draft a bunch of dimwit decisions that would be rather easily overturned.
People like the Nordstrom's, right? That's why I looked there.
I'm scouring the web for reaction to the Miers nomination.
My reaction has been along the lines of... Huh? Who? Huh? What's up with that?
I love the Nordstrom's for shoes, because they don't look at me like a big footed freak when I come in and ask for shoes in big footed freak sizes.
I love the Nordstrom's for shoes, because they don't look at me like a big footed freak when I come in and ask for shoes in big footed freak sizes.
I don't know how (freakishly?) large your feet are, but I have really been impressed in recent years at the selection of bigger shoes available. The DSW always has stuff I like in the clearance section that's too big for me. Craziness.
ita, you should also try Loehmann's. They always have a great variety of evening-ish shoes. And you get more bang for your buck.
ita, you should also try Loehmann's.
I think I tried them once for something, and it set off my every shopping-phobia feeling. And with shoes, it's going to be worse.