I'm all of ass today. Had the terrible, hurt all over flu/crud yesterday.
Today, it has settled into the demented mouth-breather stage with endless running of the nose and less fever.
Progresso(tm) Chicken Noodle Soup is like the stuff of healing gods. ijs.
Total props to whoever did Harriet Miers' blog. That's just funny.
ita, you probably have this wet guy photo already, yes? [link]
You poor people! Nice Broth is clearly the way to go.
I think I might expire of boredom. My boss doesn't even care. He just called me into his office to "find" a file for him (in the drawer where it's supposed to be), and then sent me back out again.
People are being quiet this morning. Is it because everyone is either sick or thinking about shoes?
I saw an old Lincoln for sale this weekend (the kind with the suicide doors) and thought of tommyrot. I wanted to buy it myself but decided I didn't have the time or money (especially after the divorce that would follow buying it) to restore it even though it looked to be in pretty good shape.
Sick of thinking about shoes, maybe.
I just searched for manly window coverings for someone on another board. And I'm wondering if they're manly enough. I feel consigned to this neither dainty nor masculine enough middle ground. I want it all, dammit. Right now.
People are being quiet this morning.
OK, maybe where you are...
75 more minutes and I can go home.
You poor people! Nice Broth is clearly the way to go.
Skimming, I read this and wondered "What celebrity has the last name "Broth?"
I saw an old Lincoln for sale this weekend (the kind with the suicide doors) and thought of tommyrot. I wanted to buy it myself but decided I didn't have the time or money (especially after the divorce that would follow buying it) to restore it even though it looked to be in pretty good shape.
Cool. Sometimes I wish I had bought one of that generation, rather than the previous generation. It used to be that the '58-'60 convertibles were worth more than the '60s suicide door ones (because they are much more rare), but in the last few years the '60s convertibles have appreciated a lot, so I'm not sure if mine would be worth more than a comperable '60s model.
It's weird, thinking how much a car of mine will appreciate....