Sick of thinking about shoes, maybe.
I just searched for manly window coverings for someone on another board. And I'm wondering if they're manly enough. I feel consigned to this neither dainty nor masculine enough middle ground. I want it all, dammit. Right now.
People are being quiet this morning.
OK, maybe where you are...
75 more minutes and I can go home.
You poor people! Nice Broth is clearly the way to go.
Skimming, I read this and wondered "What celebrity has the last name "Broth?"
I saw an old Lincoln for sale this weekend (the kind with the suicide doors) and thought of tommyrot. I wanted to buy it myself but decided I didn't have the time or money (especially after the divorce that would follow buying it) to restore it even though it looked to be in pretty good shape.
Cool. Sometimes I wish I had bought one of that generation, rather than the previous generation. It used to be that the '58-'60 convertibles were worth more than the '60s suicide door ones (because they are much more rare), but in the last few years the '60s convertibles have appreciated a lot, so I'm not sure if mine would be worth more than a comperable '60s model.
It's weird, thinking how much a car of mine will appreciate....
People are being quiet this afternoon, too, except for Sarameg, who is yelling.
So I am not the only one that feels blech. I had breakfast at the cafe. It was pretty funny, one of my friend's DH was diagnosed with diabetes - so she was really fussy when I was being wishy washy about food. then I walked home. DHcalled - and said meet me at the cafe for lunch. I walked back to the cafe. had - soup. and Dh dropped me off. I am going to go into work tonight, but I am hopeing it is really oibvious tomorrow that i should stay home ( I like working monday nights so that's why I am going in )
It's weird, thinking how much a car of mine will appreciate....
Yeah, mine tend to go the other way.
except for Sarameg, who is yelling.
Am not. Just speak emphatically.
I just had to talk to my ranty father, which turned out to be an excellent way to pass the time. 45 minutes!