The problem with a gift card is that there's an element of "Here's how much I value what you've done for my parents! It's worth this many dollars and cents."
I try not to let that bother me, but it's also kind of a knee-jerk thing with my husband, so we've gotten into the habit of avoiding gift cards.
I try not to let that bother me, but it's also kind of a knee-jerk thing with my husband, so we've gotten into the habit of avoiding gift cards.
Hmmm. Is there some music thing that would be nice? Do you have a recording of yourself? (I mean, in a chorus. Or solo, whatever.)
Oh, good one. (I'm running all of these past my mother.)
OMG I'm so bored. I'm not usually one for doing
work, but I wouldn't mind doing
Where in the episode?
Alias spoilers:
She was the person who found Syd & Vaughn's location for evil pseudo-CIA guy. Marshall had done blah blah encryption and she was the person who cracked it easily.
More Alias spoilers:
Her face was onscreen for about two-tenths of a second, which is probably why you missed her.
I feel like ass today. I know I should eat some food, but nothing sounds good and food smells bad, yet not eating will lead to feeling weaker, yes?
Yes. Maybe some nice broth?
A cartoon for Serenity lovers (no spoilers)
Thanks Dana and Le Nubian. I did see that part, but it didn't sink in that
it was RN.