OK, we have CBS, a snowstorm where FOX should be, a passable NBC, and an ABC in need of vertical hold. And channel 11 is oK.
So, 130 channels down to just 3. I hate Comcast. We've been down since sometime late last night, with no idea when it's coming back up.
It's not a power outage, but it is annoying. Back to cleaning the kitchen.
Thanks, Perkins. I think I'll probably go tomorrow with my friend Laura if my complicated family schedule will allow it.
DW, have you tried unhooking the cable then hooking it up again? I swear it helps if I do that once a week with my cable modem internet... it might be some sort of static buildup or something.
Raq, I've actually considered vanity plates reading SRNTY or FYRFLY. (Only 6 letters allowed in MA.) Of course, my innate laziness may mean it's a long while before I get around to doing it.
DW, have you tried unhooking the cable then hooking it up again? I swear it helps if I do that once a week with my cable modem internet
Pete had to completely shut down/unplug the cable modem yesterday, because something was wonky.
dw, for what it's worth, I just checked our Comcast cable, and everything seems to be working fine.
Today has been rather eh. And bleh. A new Trader Joes just opened 2 miles from me. I hated the one in Towson because it always seemed overcrowded and terribly organized and just not worth the hassle of parking and people and carts and YUCK. So this new one opened. In the space of an old gourmet grocery that was nice and calming and wonderfully laid out. I hear all the time how people LOVE TJ stuff, so I figure to give it another shot. So yay, right?
Um, no. Parking there has gone from fine to LEXUS vS CADDY IN THE WORLD SERIES OF GETTING THE LAST PARKING SPACE. Inside, 5 checkouts, lines snaking back into the aisles. Aisles narrow and signs on aisle don't really indicate well what is down the aisle. So many people you get trapped by carts when walking uncarted down the NARROW AISLES. Layout sucks like the one in Towson. Vast areas of space (and few people) around certain displays, the more popular ones crammed with people in small spaces. Did I mention MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE?!!
Hell, TJ's may carry something I like. But I'll never know because I can't get to it and even if I did, I might be eaten alive by people dying of starvation and insanity waiting in line.
I think I'll go do my nails.
Better to go at an off hour, like 10 AM on a Sunday. I try not to do any grocery shopping at prime crazy shoppers time....
FWIW, the TJ's that I go to doesn't have too-narrow aisles if there's a reasonable number of people.
Well, they are not doing it right here in Maryland, that's for sure. It was just insane.
Pretty car! My still looks new and shiny 2002 Jetta is about to turn over a big number. On the way to the office this morning I noticed it was 99,936.
You're in Baltimore! Just say "Fuck all y'all," and run away, sarameg.
I guess I know what the next embarrassing f2f WAV is gonna be.
Pretty much what I did. Except without the profanity out loud.