As long as the bathroom is comfortably unpacked, the rest can wait.
Old bathroom had a huge medicine cabinet and lots of shelves...this one, NSM. So I think I have to purchase a vanity to go in the bedroom in order to fully unpack all my cosmetics & stuff. Or do a severe pruning.
But! I am actually considering buying a vanity for the bedroom! It has that much room!
Sure. Fancy Vancouver in the winter?
I freeze my pajamas, ita.
I freeze my pajamas, ita.
Vancouver's not that cold in the winter. It is, however, grey, ugly, and damp. Which isn't how I think of your sleepwear.
you have thoughts about Allyson's sleepwear?
you have thoughts about Allyson's sleepwear?
Having failed to be blind during the three months I lived with her, I had occasion to see her sleepwear.
wait? you're not blind?!?
I wasn't blind
is all I'm saying.
Pastafarian car plaques.
ibook is purchased. WHEE!!! Now to get highspeed and a wireless router.
Weird and wonderful foreign words.
My favorite has got to be the German Backpfeifengesicht - a face that cries out for a fist in it.