My brother used to get "nursemaid's elbow" all the time, when he was 2-3-4. We learned how to pop it back in, but it's sure freaky the first time it happens. He said it didn't hurt as long as he held it very very still in exactly the right position. He hated having it popped back - that's the part he said hurt.
His arm works fine now, if that's a concern.
I've noticed that the area previously affected (lower back) is now, sometimes, like going numb?
Hmm. That doesn't sound good, exactly.
Hmm. That doesn't sound good, exactly.
Yeah. I'm going so see how it goes over the weekend. Also, my eye is bloody/red on one side and kind of achey (since Tuesday). I've got the bird flu or something. I'm falling apart over here!
Note to body: just, you know, quit it.
Thanks for the congratulations. I keep reminding myself that I will not come home with a new lingerie wardrobe tomorrow. I must remember to take a paycheck home from this job.
I keep reminding myself that I will not come home with a new lingerie wardrobe tomorrow.
Heh. I worked in Bloomingdale's juniors department when I *was* a junior, and I swear they just recycled my paycheck every week. I got it, I spent it there.
I swear they just recycled my paycheck every week. I got it, I spent it there.
I did this at Borders, which is why I have boxes of books with no place to put them, but this money is earmarked for Christmas gifts and F2F money.
Yep. Dylan posted about it upthread last night. No more swinging Annabel by the arms for us.
I'm a skippity skimmer--especially last night, since I had a raging headache.
Glad she's ok but YUCK about the trip to the ER. And it's also a warning to me. Owen's new thing is holding my hands, stiffening up and leaning back as far as he can so I can pull him up by his wrists. That's pretty much done with.
Congratulations, sj!!
Yep. Dylan posted about it upthread last night. No more swinging Annabel by the arms for us.
I saw it but I didn't know what it meant.
t makes note about nursemaid's elbow