-t. that is where it comes from all right! Just saw them live a couple of months ago!
Yes, homework is something I can do without waking the rest of the house and it is something I am behind on. BUT writing a paper about the Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe at 5am is just wrong.
Thanks, Cindy. Henry went by the house on Saturday - there is an eviction notice on the door, but all our stuff is there and intact and not moldy, as fasr as he could tell. Our neighbor on the other side of the wall was there watching TV - with all the drywall gone from the bottom 4 ft of the first floor, we're gonna have few secrets from each other - he's pretty mad about the fact that we are not allowed to continue our lease and seems to be living there. Which might be a good sign.
5 am seems like the perfect time to search for intelligent life in the universe. Large portions of intelligent life should be asleep at 5am, and therefore easier to find than at other times when it is probably moving around. The early bird spots the alien.
I hope your paper makes more sense than I do, MG.
I hope your paper makes more sense than I do
It is not looking good at the moment. I'm afraid I may still have chocolate martini's in my system. Four hours sleep does not seem enough.
I'm just down to one more PowerPoint slide to do to accompany the paper. I'm out of ideas. I need to find pretty space pictures, I think.
-t is funny.
Do you have an assigned number of PowerPoint slides, MG?
This is cool. [link] Not sure it's $50 worth of cool, but it's cool.
We've been babyproofing today. When Legion was a kitten, he liked to chew through the wires for the burglar alarm at around 4 am. We stopped this by putting almond oil on the wires. Somehow I don't think that will work for the baby (reason #18, Why Babies Are More Trouble Than Cats), so we're taping, hiding, blocking all the cords. No more loose baby in the computer room.
I had to order cabinet locks, as the cabinet handles in this house are atypical for Greece (Germanophile landlord), and they haven't arrived yet. I've covered all the outlets that are in the open (yay 220v power), and stair gate installation is next.
I think it's time for boarding school.
Huh, this Sprint WiFi gets all crochety and opens more browser windows when I sit staring into space in the middle of composing my post rather than, you know, posting. Not helping me focus, Sprint!
Anyway, to be on message, poison ring=cool, $50=a lot of money for something I would forget to ever wear, and babyproofing sounds like a lot of work. You can't just swaddle them whenever they aren't in one of those bungee swing things, huh?
I think it's time for boarding school.
Duct tape works well too.
Time to close up the computer and go find coffee before boarding.
Be well, Bitches.
I'll probably be dark for a while but I'll check in when I can.
strength to you, -t.
I forgot to mention in my post paper working on babbling yesterday that I do not ask that anyone who looks at my paper has to get back to me in the same window of time that I am alotting myself between drafts. Anytime on Sunday or Monday would be fine.
Sorry, my brain is not working right these days.
Teppy, why for to make out with the gay boy?
Because making out is fun, gayboys are cute, and no one is expecting it to go any further?