Dear boss:
Deciding a year into my overtime eligibility that you want to review my timecards because I told you that I am at 40 hours as of 4pm and would need to be paid overtime to work until the required time TO GET THE DAMN THING DONE? Not cool.
Saying all this after you basically told me I could forge your signature on my time cards for all you care? Doubly not cool.
For that, I think I may just leave at 4pm. You go pick up the printing yourself and pay for it out of your own pocket, then watch as the financial person puts YOU through the rigamarole of filling out the 2,237 forms Petty Cash requires before they'll refund your money.
I got an 85 on my exam this morning. I managed to get all of the questions wrong on the section I was having trouble with (about 5 questions), but I got everything else right, so I still have an A in the class. I talked to my professor honestly about what I am dealing with with my depression and anxiety. She is a practicing psychologist, so she was quite understanding, and she also said that based on my performance so far this semester, she can't imagine I am not going to get an A in the class. So, I guess I shouldn't have freaked out as much as I did last night. Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
I caught up on the last 500 posts or so, but I didn't keep track of what I wanted to say, but I do remember:
{{{-t}}} I am so sorry there are no words.
Happy Belated Birthday to Cashmere and Matt!!!
Yay sj! I suffered so over grades. I was always a mess before tests and then sweated it out until I knew the results. My teachers mocked me.
Yay, sj!!!
I'm not dead, yet.
I feel quite well, actually.
Hec, Betty fashion report?
Hec, Betty fashion report?
Well, she was kind of in corporate drag for lunch (which she paid for on the company card! Woot!). But she does have a cool new layered bob with short Betty Page bangs.
She noted that she saw the Angela Bassett/Courtney Vance show that Juliana had talked about.
She and her hubby are planning on going to Berlin & Munich for xmas. I wouldn't mind that kind of trip.