The baby voice with the cat photos is a warning, but in the bounds of normal. The RoboCat? Weird. And also, a strange use of disposable income.
There's that whole weird world of Expensive Shit For People With Terrible Taste. Like back in the 80s those sweaters with insane appliques that sold for $700?
Hec, have you been taunting the cat gods again? That is too funny.
Is it a Swingline?
I met somebody online who called herself Milton something, but she didn't get the joke and made me feel really stupid for going on about staplers.
Hec, have you been taunting the cat gods again? That is too funny.
I have been scritching cats with more than usual frequency, having been to Deb's house in the last month. What more do they want?
Is it a Swingline?
Shit! I went to look and it's missing. KHAAAAANNNNNN!!!1!!
Hec, I saw a stand at the mall selling those "cats" and they also have "dogs". It is just creepy...creeeeeeee-pyyyyyyyyyy.
The oddest part was when we got home that day, our cat was curled up in the same position and could have easily subbed for one of the "cats".
Well, as long as you're getting some joy out of it.
I also felt a bit of joy.
Oh, no, they can't take's your personal stapler.
When my mom's school has spirit day, I give her a hard time about her "flair"(That sort of thing is why mom has a "This is my Halloween costume," t-shirt.)
I also felt a bit of joy.
I am the Joy Spreader!
Good thing people around here aren't into innunedo, or you could really work with that.
okay, stomach, YOU MUST CHILL! Now picturing Lloyd rubbing my stomach...well, that makes the rest of me better, if not the tum
Have I mentioned I also love erika? 'Cuz I do. My sistah in the
Say Anything
I am the Joy Spreader!
Good thing people around here aren't into innunedo, or you could really work with that.
"Hm, Hec's spreading his--no, no, don't finish that thought" was honestly the very first thing through my head.
After wishing I had a sleeping kittie on my desk right now.