Ah, OK. Hi Daisy! Yay getting a job!
Sounds expensive, Cash! Though tickets are getting to $10 here, which is annoying--I mean, there are some movies I don't mind paying that for, but others...and a lot of places don't really "do" matinees (or rather, matinee prices!) anymore--just for the very first movie of the day (at like...noon). Which is bad enough on Saturday, but on a weekday? Please.
Ooh, I forgot former roomate is the banner photo for the Galleries page.
The one with the blue spikey hair, spiked collar, and nose ring?
He doesn't have a nose ring. Otherwise, that's the fellow.
Actually, he seems to be at the top of most of the submenus, doesn't he? Nifty.
wanders in
Overtime is good for me. Overtime is good for me. Overtime means more spending money for L.A., right?
But wow, I don't want to be proofing these topics anymore.
Sounds expensive, Cash! Though tickets are getting to $10 here, which is annoying--I mean, there are some movies I don't mind paying that for, but others...and a lot of places don't really "do" matinees (or rather, matinee prices!) anymore--just for the very first movie of the day (at like...noon). Which is bad enough on Saturday, but on a weekday? Please.
Yeah. It's craxy with the prices. There are some thing we can do--I could have found coupons for discount tickets, but this theatre is never crowded, has good seats (AND A BAR!). And it is right next door to a few good restaurants that we can walk to downtown (where DH can use his parking pass for the parking garage). So we were pretty much paying for convenience.
If we hadn't been celebratin', though. We'd have skipped dinner. Of course that's still nearly $60 to see the movie alone with the sitter. So needless to say a movie had better be fan-fucking-tastic for that price.
He doesn't have a nose ring.
Huh. Did I just add one, mentally? Weird.
Overtime means more spending money for L.A., right?
Yes. It does.
I told her your old first name rhymed with pleather.
Then I deleted. Just tryin' to be thoughtful, ma'am.
Random Free Shit Report:
(1) Lunch today was good, though I talked so much that I didn't eat it all and then I was starving an hour later. But -- and now I can't even remember if I said who I was meeting; a friend's SiL, who wanted career switching advice -- I actually had a good time with her. My friend's family is rampantly, rabidly self-entitled Republicans (I know, but I have to have at least *one* Republican friend), but SiL is about as yellow-dog Democrat as I am. I have no idea how she married into that family. She must really love my friend's bro.
Anyway, after we talked work, we engaged in some serious Bush-bashing, which was marvy. I like her a lot. Maybe we can hang out more.
(2) I belong to an online market research site -- take this survey, blah blah blah -- and they always say "IF you meet our demographic needs, we'll send you free shit to try and give your opinion on," but I never meet their demographic. Until today -- I came home and had a package in the mail containing a silver-wrapped something identified as an energy bar, with vehement instructions to NOT eat it, not even OPEN it until I got the accompanying survey e-mailed to me.
I'm highly amused at my TOP SECRET energy bar. Which I dutifully did not open. I also got $5 for evaluating it. So -- free food AND enough money to cover 1.5 comic books!