Random Free Shit Report:
(1) Lunch today was good, though I talked so much that I didn't eat it all and then I was starving an hour later. But -- and now I can't even remember if I said who I was meeting; a friend's SiL, who wanted career switching advice -- I actually had a good time with her. My friend's family is rampantly, rabidly self-entitled Republicans (I know, but I have to have at least *one* Republican friend), but SiL is about as yellow-dog Democrat as I am. I have no idea how she married into that family. She must really love my friend's bro.
Anyway, after we talked work, we engaged in some serious Bush-bashing, which was marvy. I like her a lot. Maybe we can hang out more.
(2) I belong to an online market research site -- take this survey, blah blah blah -- and they always say "IF you meet our demographic needs, we'll send you free shit to try and give your opinion on," but I never meet their demographic. Until today -- I came home and had a package in the mail containing a silver-wrapped something identified as an energy bar, with vehement instructions to NOT eat it, not even OPEN it until I got the accompanying survey e-mailed to me.
I'm highly amused at my TOP SECRET energy bar. Which I dutifully did not open. I also got $5 for evaluating it. So -- free food AND enough money to cover 1.5 comic books!