-t, sweetie. No words can express.
And yeah, if it's not too much trouble, you'd have to join LJ. It's free. I'm being selfish and making it a bit easier on me to match names, etc. If you don't want to, I'll post your name in their under mine so I'll have it in there. Is that kosher?
Of course not, -t. We're Buffistas. We hold each other up. Please also pass on hugs to H for us. (And while you're at it, maybe your dad and that wily dog, too.)
You don't have to get a paid LJ account. You could just set up a free one in order to keep up with the Blanket Community, if you want.
I'm so sorry, -t. I'm about to take a baseball bat to the universe on your behalf.
I don't mind joining livejournal, I just haven't yet. I'll figure it out after lunch.
Hugs to you all, you're the bestest and don't let anyone tell you different.
Oh, -t! All the punctuation in the world to you.
Oh, -t, I am so very, very sorry. All the punctuation in the world.
-t, I'm so so sorry. I don't know what to say, but life needs to stop piling on you.
-t, there aren't words. I am so so sorry about the house, the miscarriage, the stress...just keep breathing. It's a mantra I've been saying to myself a lot lately. And yes, we are here for you.
Skipping a lot due to the continuing work saga of the 400-PAGE DOCUMENT THAT REFUSES TO DIE.
Yes, I'm sure it would be wonderful on some levels for me and Annabel to stay an extra few weeks at Christmas with my mom after Dylan has to go back to work. But I'm not going to, because I'm really hoping to have a job by year's end!
If you think my mom needs more company that much, YOU should stay on after YOUR husband has to go back to work. STOP TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE!
At first I thought you were talking about MY SiL, the preggo one. But then I realized that this was SiL Who Bosses Everyone Around, not SiL Who Pouts In The Corner Until She Gets What She Wants.