You know why? Your hoops automatically keep people from invading your personal space.
Heh. This is true. (Tho' I've been wearing knee-length skirts and fluffy petticoats recently.)
A new girl (very young, blonde, & perky, oh dear) joined the team today. When she was being introduced to me, my boss said "Oh, and Jillian dresses like this all the time. This isn't a special occasion or anything."
Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
Not what you think. (Or, okay, not what *I* thought, at first.)
19. Which is odd, considering that I took the Wired one a few years ago and scored in the Asperger's zone.
Part of it, I think, is that I am OK with going to a ball game with tens of thousands of people, because I can set up a personal space bubble in my seat.
I'm OK with going to a ball game with tens of thousands of people because I adopt a "I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone" strategy. When someone I don't know talks to me anyway, it makes me uncomfortable.
When someone I don't know talks to me anyway, it makes me uncomfortable.
I'm fine with this because I usually steal the conversation.
All the jokes I used to make about me being like Forrest Gump ("Sit next to me long enough, I tell you my life story.") aren't so funny anymore.
When someone I don't know talks to me anyway, it makes me uncomfortable.
Dude, that's a normal reaction.
So say I, the Teppish Curmudgeon.
Not what you think. (Or, okay, not what *I* thought, at first.)
Hey, that's where my brain went. Quiet, you!