The Wired one.
I'm too lazy to manually score that one now, but I took it before - I think I was borderline AS on that one too.
On the Wired one, you interpret the score:
In the first major trial using the test, the average score in the control group was 16.4. Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher.
I got 19, but I suspect it's at least partially because I am constitutionally incapable of clicking "always" or "never."
Calli, great news about your mom!!
Everyone else, it seems, {{{}}}.
On that Asperger test, does answering ALWAYS to the question "It freaks my shit out when people invade my personal space," indicate an inclination tward Aspergers? Because if so, that test can bite my big white ass. Personal space is called "personal" for a reason, yo.
Wouldn't a better measure, on that question, be:
Q. How large is your personal bubble?
(a) Arms' length
(b) 10 feet on all sides, and I'm NOT kidding
(c) About a city block
(d) Personal bubble? What's that?
Ok, feeling a little better, even though it would explain a lot.
The test that you didn't have to score by hand gave me a 6.
The test that you didn't have to score by hand gave me a 6.
You know why? Your hoops automatically keep people from invading your personal space.
The lesson:
Wear hoops. The people who would invade your personal space dont, cause they are walking into walls staring at you.
I scored a 30 on that one, too. However, I already know I have Issues, so I'm not any more worried than I was earlier. I am, however, looking into CBT (already was).
21. Which is normal. Which is not what I usually get on those tests. Hooray for anonymous internet quizzes validating my normalcy! You still can't touch me though.