I actually don't recommend this. Tried it once and the Drambuie overwhelmed the cream's flavor and, if memory serves, didn't do much for the texture either.
Sad, now. I will have to buy a bottle, instead, and some good raspberry preserves as well. Thanks for letting me know, Pete. Also? I love all your designs. I think I need a Snarkling mug.
Thanks. Boy, I need to go rest now...
Connie, the additional pair of 'Alumni' designs for Bumper stickers are done and up. They are available in black & white or halloweeny orange.
What did I miss? In limerick form, please.
There was a poster named Cow
Who wanted updates - and how!
He grew quite irate
Because the hour was late
And everyone'd left for now.
There was various good news and sucky,
And vw bug was quite plucky,
Cool pictures were seen,
Some math turned me green,
Gothic Charm School clothing is ducky!
(What can I say, I'm crappy at limericks but couldn't resist the challenge. I think this works, but I'm not quite sure of the definition of ducky in this context. It rhymes, though!)
eta: Apparently, I'm crappy at formatting and seeing what post I'm in, too.
Has anyone ever interviewed with Kaplan before? They liked my audition enough, apparently. I have a twenty-minute phone interview in the next couple days, and I could really use a job that actually pays well.
Also, I totally cooked spaghetti with chicken on Saturday. Be proud of me.
There once was a husband named Pete
Who made Gothic Charm swag so sweet
That when P-C missed out
All he could do is shout,
"That stinks, like ass--sauteed in feet."