There was various good news and sucky,
And vw bug was quite plucky,
Cool pictures were seen,
Some math turned me green,
Gothic Charm School clothing is ducky!
(What can I say, I'm crappy at limericks but couldn't resist the challenge. I think this works, but I'm not quite sure of the definition of ducky in this context. It rhymes, though!)
eta: Apparently, I'm crappy at formatting and seeing what post I'm in, too.
Has anyone ever interviewed with Kaplan before? They liked my audition enough, apparently. I have a twenty-minute phone interview in the next couple days, and I could really use a job that actually pays well.
Also, I totally cooked spaghetti with chicken on Saturday. Be proud of me.
There once was a husband named Pete
Who made Gothic Charm swag so sweet
That when P-C missed out
All he could do is shout,
"That stinks, like ass--sauteed in feet."
Don't suppose Hil's still lurking?
Yaaay! Ahem. Last question, I promise. Why is the group of permutations of {1,2,3,...n} non-abelian for n > 2? There doesn't seem to be anything in the chapter to give me an indication of why things are nonabelian -- just tells me that they are. And occasionally that it's lovely that they are (amusing, but not helpful).
(I'm having some musings about rotation composed with reflection being different the other way around, but nothing really concrete.)
To show something's nonabelian, usually the simplest way is just to find two non-commuting elements. So, if n is greater than 2, then you know that, at the very least, it has (12), (13), (23), (123), and (132). If you try out a few combinations of those, you'll probably find a pair that doesn't commute.
But... I'm confused. Those are subsets, but how do they work as permutations?
I am now picturing using meara's boobs as a shelf for something
Sadly, while they are definitely very perky, they are perky because they are not large enough to be used shelfishly.
Admittedly, she saved her best dance for Cybervixen, but I did get a red dress dance with her
Awww. I miss CV. But I do still have the red dress. :)
AWESOME Malyasia pictures, Raquel!! Especially the River Girl one, and the BABY LELEPHANTS!
It explains kids so often hating broccoli and adults losing much of the taste for candy
I'm not supposed to like candy??
All of you talking trash about the ground beef/noodles/cheese/tomatoes options are making me hungry for it. Dang.
Damn Cass, so sorry about the layoff. That sucks a lot.
she's also freaked out cause her SiL messed up dyeing her hair at home and it's purple
I thought you meant B's hair was now purple, and was like "Huh, well, that would be a valid reason to freak out, but it's kinda karma..."
I ate clotted cream and liked it
That's because it's *delicious*
Ack! I got to the end of the thread and it's all mathy!! Eek!