Okay, so Hil, you're saying that sigma[B] has to be B itself, not a proper subset of B? Cause, how else could it be a permutation? (Part of my problem here is that the chapter doesn't seem to have a formal definition of permutation anywhere.*) If that's so, then it's gotta be closed under inversion (er, do we say "closed under inversion"? Isn't inversion an old term for homosexuality? Not that that has anything to do with anything, I'm just grasping at any tangent which will keep me from having to address the other two problems which might as well be written in a foreign language waaaaah!) and the set of such sigmas is a subgroup of SsubA.
Note: * except for "8.3 Definition: A permutation of a set A is a function phi from A to A that is both one to one and onto." See the problem I have with reading?
Wait. I'm confused. They give Drambuie to cows in Devon?
Oh, dear, now I'll have to buy some. (checks budget) Do you take Paypal?
On thinking of it further, I think Alumni of works better, since all the words are small words. "Miskatonic" balances "Association" better.
Don't worry, both are being done. Payment is handled thru Cafe Press and they take credit cards et al.
Oh, Pete, my 12-year-old just brought home his first deck of Magic cards. I blame you.
I didn't do it. I've been by my computer at all times.
Oh. They have clotted cream with Drambuie.
I actually don't recommend this. Tried it once and the Drambuie overwhelmed the cream's flavor and, if memory serves, didn't do much for the texture either.
Tried it once and the Drambuie overwhelmed the cream's flavor and, if memory serves, didn't do much for the texture either.
Very good to know. I'm not usually too bothered by texture, but things that are supposed to be creamy being chunky and/or too thin? Ugh.
I actually don't recommend this. Tried it once and the Drambuie overwhelmed the cream's flavor and, if memory serves, didn't do much for the texture either.
I am so very glad to hear this. It was getting dangerous here for a moment.
The local health food store sells clotted cream. Go figure. Unfortunately, the taste is a bit funny, not at all like what I had in England, or as a kid here. This is, perhaps, a good thing, though, as I would be hard pressed not to purchase it otherwise.
Also, the commas, they are all mine!
I actually don't recommend this. Tried it once and the Drambuie overwhelmed the cream's flavor and, if memory serves, didn't do much for the texture either.
Sad, now. I will have to buy a bottle, instead, and some good raspberry preserves as well. Thanks for letting me know, Pete. Also? I love all your designs. I think I need a Snarkling mug.