I'd like a Gothic Charm School bumper sticker, but as I don't have kids I wouldn't use the "My Child is an Honor Student". Any chance of "Alumni of" stickers? It'd look nice next to my "Miskatonic University Alumni Association" sticker. (And my Miskatonic Alumni license plate frame)
t /demandypants, the tag that never closes
t hands Pete a real cup o coffee
t not that he doesn't have any, he does, I just thought it's be nice for someone else to give it to him
I ate clotted cream and liked it.
That's horrible, Cass. You've
had a deeply shitty year.
You file for unemployment online in California. It's pretty easy. Plus you don't have to go to the skankiest part of town to fill in the forms.
So Cindy you're helping with the big party on Saturday?
I'm chips and dip girl. All that opening and stirring. And shopping and carrying. I should have a person who does such things for me. I'd call him...Drew.
I ate clotted cream and liked it.
Well, duh. It's not like trying escargot for the first time.
Anybody really mathy here? I have questions about nonabelian groups.
Also, I just want to eat ginger ice cream and watch TV. But nooooo, I have to figure out what the fuck is meant by "the order of the group generated by the permutation sigma". It's a permutation! How can it generate something?
The coffee is very appreciated.
Someday when you are not busy (ha!) and when I have lots of money and can afford you, I shall bribe you to design the tattoo for which I can't seem to find a designer.
Totally feasible.
I'd like a Gothic Charm School bumper sticker, but as I don't have kids I wouldn't use the "My Child is an Honor Student". Any chance of "Alumni of" stickers?
So, double checking, it just says "Alumni of Gohic Charm School"?
Also, I love clotted cream. It sounds panderingly Anglophilic, but I've found it's really best on a scone, because it needs to be a bit sweeter than just a biscuit. And with jam, because... mmm, jam.
Well, duh. It's not like trying escargot for the first time.
I am MidWestern, never varies what she orders from the restaurants she goes to, non-food adventerous (sp?) girl. I tried something with the word "clot" in it. This is huge.