Anybody really mathy here? I have questions about nonabelian groups.
Also, I just want to eat ginger ice cream and watch TV. But nooooo, I have to figure out what the fuck is meant by "the order of the group generated by the permutation sigma". It's a permutation! How can it generate something?
The coffee is very appreciated.
Someday when you are not busy (ha!) and when I have lots of money and can afford you, I shall bribe you to design the tattoo for which I can't seem to find a designer.
Totally feasible.
I'd like a Gothic Charm School bumper sticker, but as I don't have kids I wouldn't use the "My Child is an Honor Student". Any chance of "Alumni of" stickers?
So, double checking, it just says "Alumni of Gohic Charm School"?
Also, I love clotted cream. It sounds panderingly Anglophilic, but I've found it's really best on a scone, because it needs to be a bit sweeter than just a biscuit. And with jam, because... mmm, jam.
Well, duh. It's not like trying escargot for the first time.
I am MidWestern, never varies what she orders from the restaurants she goes to, non-food adventerous (sp?) girl. I tried something with the word "clot" in it. This is huge.
Either Alumni, or "Class of..." but then there'd have to be a series of years. But damn, a Class of '89 Alum sticker would be way cool.
to try Clotted Cream. I meant to see if specialty store in York (Maine, not England, sadly) carried it, this summer, but when we finally got there after a day of more driving around than fun, it didn't seem wise to take the kids in with me, so I didn't.
The designs are lovely, Pete.
Will someone write my lab report for me? I just don't wanna.
I've been working hard all day.
Totally feasible.
Hee. I love Pete. It's like having an invisible, magical, designer sugar daddy.
Although with this group, I can see how that job could be daunting.