It's the bitterness I can't take, I think. Same with cabbage and broccoli.
Reasonable, then. I guess cabbage and broccoli don't really have the greatest love amongst kids either, but still, I've never heard them complained about in pop culture to the extent of brussels sprouts.
I like all three.
Also, pan-fried salmon, which I had with the sprouts. So full now. Yum.
Babies are harder than work or school. Sure, they're also cuter, but man, I miss the routine of 40 hours behind a desk.
You ain't missing much, honestly. The only difference between Annabel and work for me is that I don't have to change anyone's diaper at work. Oh, and when Annabel procrastinates yet again on turning in sections for the re-accreditation document, I'm OK with that, because she's 18 months old and can't read or write or tell me things like "I thought I was going to have time, but then I spent three hours (answering my e-mail||going to meetings||drinking coffee)."
But then, it might be that Annabel is self-entertaining. The church nursery workers commented on that this morning -- she's eternally self-entertaining.
Pictures will be up soonish, including a shot of my best friend and....Jared the Subway guy
You're from Indiana? Did I know that?
We have another Hoosier in the house? dw, where are you from?
Tube tops do not, in my experience, encourage displays of perkiness. May I suggest a spaghetti-strap camisole instead?
Yup--grew up in Indianapolis. Just got the heck out of there when I graduated high school, and only go back once a year, for Christmas, generally.
That's good. Slipdresses are also in order.
We have another Hoosier in the house?
No, just knew Jared was from IN.
dw, where are you from?
Just got the heck out of there when I graduated high school, and only go back once a year, for Christmas, generally.
Yup, I know that well. Something like 65% of my high school graduating class left Tulsa as soon as they graduated.
Bookshelf w/ built-in chair and footrest.
Doesn't look like a particularly comfortable chair, but the design of the overall piece makes me go ooooooooooh.
Dear Yogurt Companies,
I would like to suggest the following recipe for you to add to your prepacked yogurt collections.
1) Take plain, organic, lowfat yogurt, like the type you sell in big containers next to all the cute small yogurts
2) Add strawberries, bananas, or other mushable yogurt-style fruit. Pineapples, peaches, blueberries all come to mind.
3) Do NOT add sugar
4) Do NOT add Splenda
5) Do NOT add ANY sweetener of ANY sort, other than the aforementioned fruit.
6) Sell to me.
It's not that I'm even watching my sugar intake. I just think most prepacked yogurts are too durned sweet. Annoys.
Sorbet companies? A similar recipe applies. Only you can put in SOME sugar... just, put less than you do.