::head explodes::
Damn. The local area Kindercare has an infant slot, but it's $350 a week.
That's, I think, $125 a week more than the one in Lynnwood where our friends have their baby (I contacted Kindercare based on how much they liked their center), and about half my estimated weekly takehome if I get an Eastside contract at about what they usually pay me.
That having a baby thing is $$$$.
I hope you find a good daycare that isn't nearly so costly!
Thanks, everyone. My week has continued to get worse, believe it or not, as I found out today that my guest house is an illegal dwelling. I will likely have to find a new place and move within the next couple of months.
This shit can stop any time now.
Crap. I killed the thread.
t runs through thread in fishnets and a halter top
Ahhh...angst and porn. What could be more Spike-like?
Seriously, Kristin? Did the guy spring a surprise visit on the guest house or something? I just got back from the theater and have not checked LJ or anything.
Sean, check my LJ. The second to most recent entry has the email from my landlady that started the fiasco.
Jeebus, Kristin. This just hasn't been your week. (Insert chipper and annoying theme from Friends here.)
We have attempted to introduce Sippy Cup.
Sippy Cup, per Lillian, is a great teething toy. Stuff coming out of it frightens and confuses her, being just an Unfrozen Caveman Babydoll.
We have attempted to introduce Sippy Cup.
Sippy Cup, per Lillian, is a great teething toy. Stuff coming out of it frightens and confuses her, being just an Unfrozen Caveman Babydoll.
That sounds like Annabel. She preferred the straw cups at first for drinking. Then she pulled out the straws and never drank the liquid, so we switched her to sippy.