Ok...I'm about to read the e-mail from my prof...the one who's class I skipped on Wednesday, even though I had a presentation. You all will be here and supportive and everything when I get done reading, right? Even though I did a stupid thing?
I'm scared.
right here, vw.
you didn't do anything stupid -- you took care of yourself.
Ok...it's bad. He's upset...rightfully so. I just...I just couldn't deal with it then. It was too big.
I feel like I need to respond, and soon. But, I wasn't going to deal with this till tomorrow. I don't know what to do.
here for ya, babe.
Great cartoon! Changing my tagline. And you know, some friends sent us Timmy Kat for a baby present, and I didn't think it was all that funny.
Mal was apparently fine for the babysitter. She gave him a massage with almond oil (which I guessed before she told me by the tiny greasy handprints all over the bottom of the bathroom mirror). And she did the dishes.
We missed meeting James Cameron and Billy Zane, but I did get to touch a piece of the Titanic's hull.
But, I wasn't going to deal with this till tomorrow. I don't know what to do.
I'm so sorry. Could yout just tell him that you're sick? He doesn't need to know the details. It's none of his business. Could you let him know that you're willing to do makeup work or whatever and you'll discuss it when you're feeling better?