do I want Cooks Illustrated chocolate cupcakes with chocolate buttercream frosting or do I want homemade chocolate chip cookies? I can only pick one as my treat for the weekend.
You know, when you're taking large doses of ibuprofen, it is important to take them with food.
t /not helpful I know, but this is a tough choice.
Make the cupcakes in a mini muffin pan. I do that all the time anyway.
Damn. The baby pangolin died.
Ok...I'm about to read the e-mail from my prof...the one who's class I skipped on Wednesday, even though I had a presentation. You all will be here and supportive and everything when I get done reading, right? Even though I did a stupid thing?
I'm scared.
right here, vw.
you didn't do anything stupid -- you took care of yourself.'s bad. He's upset...rightfully so. I just...I just couldn't deal with it then. It was too big.
I feel like I need to respond, and soon. But, I wasn't going to deal with this till tomorrow. I don't know what to do.