I am starting to despair under all this constant back pain. I'm at the point where I just want to cry all the time and then maybe kill myself so no one else needs to hear my pitiful whining, and the noises I make when I try yo to move.
My body must know that I've hated it all along, even though I was trying to be good to it these past few years.
here's a hint for the whole world: if I ask you three times for EVERYTHING your tip gets shitty
today was be-waited-on Friday. HAH. So much for a treat. grrrrr
I am starting to despair under all this constant back pain. I'm at the point where I just want to cry all the time and then maybe kill myself so no one else needs to hear my pitiful whining, and the noises I make when I try yo to move.
Oh, honey. You sound like I did when my back was injured. It was unfuckingbearable.
What have you done so far in the way of treatment? Chiropractor? Physical therapy? Drugs drugs and more drugs? I can try to throw out a few ideas if I know what you've already done.
Steph is trying to kill me through laughter-suffocation.
I tell you, the next time I eat spaghetti, I'm going to have to do the AKATUWU thing.
What have you done so far in the way of treatment? Chiropractor? Physical therapy? Drugs drugs and more drugs? I can try to throw out a few ideas if I know what you've already done.
Back spazzed out on Monday, I went to the doctor on Tuesday. He recommended heat and gentle stretching (I got a blurry photocopy of instructions), and prescribed 800mg ibuprofin and flexeril, which I take before bed. I've been sleeping ok THANK JEBUS because I do not even wish to contemplate the mess I'd be if sleep-dep was involved.
I've been a little lax on the heat, I wish we had a heating pad. I used those ThermaCare Tues. night/Wed. day and had a bath last night.
But sitting at my desk (or pretty much sitting up anywhere) is a killer, especially when I get up - my right leg is really painfully affected more than my left leg.
The dr. said to give it a week and then go back if no/little improvement.
I think it's better than Monday/Tuesday, but hasn't gotten any better since Wedensday.
{{{nora}}} Also, happy (belated) anniversary!
I smell like LUSH Snowcake soap. YUM! I wish they made a lotion that smelled like it so I could be overpowery with my Snowcake smell!
Now I want to send Gloomcookie a letter and live on eternally in her accordion file.
Bring it! (And make it pink with a Hello Kitty head on it!)
prescribed 800mg ibuprofin and flexeril
How often are you taking the ibuprofen? Because, honestly, unless it upsets your stomach, you can take 800 mg every 6 hours or so. Not long-term, of course, but for a week or two it's fine.
On the flexeril -- could you try taking one at work? Or would it zonk you out totally? Maybe you could split it in half and take half at work. That might help keep the muscles more relaxed during the day.
I've been a little lax on the heat, I wish we had a heating pad. I used those ThermaCare Tues. night/Wed. day and had a bath last night.
Get a heating pad. Or -- and don't make me e-mail him -- tell Tom to stop after work and get one. Hubbies are good for that sort of thing (so I hear).
But sitting at my desk (or pretty much sitting up anywhere) is a killer, especially when I get up - my right leg is really painfully affected more than my left leg.
Aieee. That's the kind of pain I had. HOWEVER, just b/c I had surgery does not not NOT mean that every person who has pain when sitting will need surgery. I had 2 *severely* blown discs. About 80% of people with back pain -- even BAD back pain -- recover without needing surgery.
The dr. said to give it a week and then go back if no/little improvement.
I think it's better than Monday/Tuesday, but hasn't gotten any better since Wedensday.
My advice -- and I know whereof I speak -- is multi-faceted: (1) it's the weekend, so rest as much as possible; (2) get a heating pad and use it this weekend [honestly, I used to lie on mine for hours at a time, but I think that isn't recommended; try half an hour, maybe]; (3) since it's the weekend, take your flexeril during the day, too, because then you'll have a more constant level of the drug in your system; (4) take the ibuprofen every 6 hours.
And if it hasn't improved by Monday, call your doctor first thing. I know that physical therapy worked great for Cass and -- I think -- Susan. That might just be all you need.
NICE -- the library just e-mailed me to tell me that they're holding Neil Gaiman's new book for me! I'm going to run out right now (literally) and go get it!
Sigh- the thing is, one of my very best friends in the world is getting married on Monday in the Poconos, and the thought of driving 5+ hours there and back just makes me want to cry. But I don't want to miss it either.