Epic, I would change "what's going on at CompanyName" to "the opportunities at CompanyName," or something like that. "What's going on" sounds a little casual. Also, maybe, gossipy.
Thank you AmyLiz! That particular phrase was the one that bothered me most, but my brain just refused to give me any alternatives.
A cartoon most here will love: Two Lumps for today.
There is a bee who keeps flying in our window. We've tried numerous times to shoo him back out again, but he keeps coming back. He's now hovering around our ceiling.
There is a bee who keeps flying in our window. We've tried numerous times to shoo him back out again, but he keeps coming back. He's now hovering around our ceiling.
You should put some honey on your lips and see if she'll come down.
Steph is trying to kill me through laughter-suffocation.
I am starting to despair under all this constant back pain. I'm at the point where I just want to cry all the time and then maybe kill myself so no one else needs to hear my pitiful whining, and the noises I make when I try yo to move.
My body must know that I've hated it all along, even though I was trying to be good to it these past few years.
here's a hint for the whole world: if I ask you three times for EVERYTHING your tip gets shitty
today was be-waited-on Friday. HAH. So much for a treat. grrrrr
I am starting to despair under all this constant back pain. I'm at the point where I just want to cry all the time and then maybe kill myself so no one else needs to hear my pitiful whining, and the noises I make when I try yo to move.
Oh, honey. You sound like I did when my back was injured. It was unfuckingbearable.
What have you done so far in the way of treatment? Chiropractor? Physical therapy? Drugs drugs and more drugs? I can try to throw out a few ideas if I know what you've already done.