Once again I totallyf ucked up my therapy appoint. It was at noon. I don't know what possessed me to make it for noon. I would have had to cancel it anyway because I was in the office alone for most of the time.
Hopefully she won't charge me for the visit...full price...becuase I don't happen to have that.
Nobody lays Emily flat?
All I know is, nobody puts Baby in the corner. Past that, all bets are off.
Okay, I seem to have killed the thread, which is weird. But I wanted to share my consumer lust for things I can't afford with all of you! I've recently received a catalog called "Soft Surroundings" which features a variety of clothing and bedding items that are... well, like this. Share my pain.
And this. And this, and they all look yummier in the catalog.
Oh, damn, Emily. I love that catalogue. I got one in the mail about four years ago, and there were two or three items I desperately needed on practically
every single page.
I kept the catalogue for over a year. Sheer pretty-creature-comforts porn.
I've bought three different pieces of clothing from Soft Surroundings. One is workout clothing; the other two get compliments *every time I wear them*. They feel as good as they look.
They have a Web outlet, and the prices are much less painful there.
I too have much want in that catalog...and I haven't even let myself sit down and really look at it yet. Everything just looks so soft and lovely.
I managed to completely destroy dinner...I mean DESTROY! So, we are now eating Wendy's, for the third time this week. Some days it surprises me that Emily doesn't just kick me out.
Oh, Betsy, that's dangerous information.
I mean, thank you!
::scampers off to web outlet::
Oh, Betsy. If only you could hear the ooooooos and ahhhhhhhhs coming out of this living room right now.
Aimee, I think babies start to top out at around 32 oz. a day in formula--when they get in and in what amount, doesn't matter. Some babies take a little less, some more. Babies have that magic self cut off mechanism that we lack. They'll eat/drink as much as they need. Once they move on to mostly solids and switch to whole milk, I think the magic number drops to 24-28 oz.
I'm shopping for a winter coat for me and Owen. I think I may need new boots this year. Does anyone know if the Midwest is expecting more or less snow this year?