Hec, Voltaire will be playing here around the 20th at the club where Jilli knows the DJ and gets to watch the whole show from the relative comfort of the DJ Box. This doesn't quite beat having Jill tracy along for a double-bill, but she's hardly suffering, if you know what I mean...
In other news, a couple of days ago Askye said -
Are those just regular stickers or are they bumpers stickers? Ohhh....maybe you could hava "My Kid is an Honor student @ Gothic Charm School" or something. I'd buy it.
Your wish is my command. The bumper sticker is made. As is a Jilli sticker and a bunch of mugs. Apparel is coming soon.
I never, ever sort the clothes before washing
Doesn't that kill the delicates or underwash the sweaty stuff?
He likes me! He really really likes me!!
I do. However, now you're obliged to write beautifully and entertain me since you'll be popping up on my flist. Hop to it!
How's about I just keep posting pictures of Em and my haircuts?
Doesn't that kill the delicates or underwash the sweaty stuff?
What sweaty stuff?
I sort, but only roughly by color. I have no sweaty stuff, and my delicates aren't that delicate these days.
How's about I just keep posting pictures of Em and my haircuts?
That works too. But I already got that over here. Could you work in a few complaints about your MiL?
Doesn't that kill the delicates or underwash the sweaty stuff?
Okay, the handwash stuff goes in a pile on the closet floor.
Sweaty stuff? What is this 'sweat' of which you speak?
Delicates? It's all cotton. Hot water and white cotton were made for each other.
Could you work in a few complaints about your MiL?
Totally. We'll be seeing her next weekend!