Gronklies. It's raining. Again. A lot. Oh sun, why hast thou forsaken me?!
I stayed in bed till just recently, but didn't really sleep. It's gonna be a long day.
Ugh. Poor Toto. Poor vw. And also? What Sail said.
I'm taking the nephew for the day now. She's kicking her husband out.
Oh dear. That sounds rough, Cass.
Baby's First Employment
Oh, Cass. I'm sorry for your sister. She and your nephew are lucky to have you. Does this mess up your L.A. plans?
vw, I hope Toto feels better.
Eek, Cass! I'm so sorry. Good luck.
I'm actually dragging nephew (thank you Perkins for being so understanding) to LA. He'll meet Buffistas I guess.
And I will either just come back home tonight or grab a low-rent room for the night and catch some sleep. So the plans changed but not a lot.
I wish there were more I could do for the sis though. She's a wreck and this is about all I can do to help her right now.
Cass, how old is the nephew? Should I make sure the restaurant has booster seats?
{{Cass, Sister and Nephew}} Very rough for everyone. You are the bestest of sisters, Cass.
I loved the Mal job! Can I borrow him to hold up a sign asking for a raise? The big bosses might actually pay attention to him.
He's nine and will behae perfectly for an iPod (to play with). Or one of his gaming things. Just add an extra body/chair if that isn't too much trouble.
I don't hae the letter betweeen c and b on my keyboard and cutting and pasting is getting old. Must find alternatie words.
t Happy Dance
I just got the following e-mail from my TA about my lab report:
It looks great. The cross you show here definitely supports your model, and shows that the alternative is inconsistent. The format looks good too; this would get full credit. Nice job!
Have a good weekend.
Wheeeeeeeeeeee! All that hard work worked! Yay!
Yikes. Metra train derailed this morning. Hope there's not too many hurt.
I'd rather start on getting some of the inequities out of the current tax code. For one - the mortgage interest deduction. It's a good thing, and has a real purpose that it actually accomplishes, i.e., encouraging home ownership. But there's no reason why people should be able to deduct the interest on a second home. It's just a gimme, frankly.
Heh. Teppy, you have no idea how relieved I was to recently (finally!) break that streak for this apartment...
It took an ex coming to town for me to accomplish that.
Update: Cousin Steve still living out of his Chevy Suburban; still jobless.
OTOH? Not living here.
Except his stuff still is. blecch.