He's nine and will behae perfectly for an iPod (to play with). Or one of his gaming things. Just add an extra body/chair if that isn't too much trouble.
I don't hae the letter betweeen c and b on my keyboard and cutting and pasting is getting old. Must find alternatie words.
t Happy Dance
I just got the following e-mail from my TA about my lab report:
It looks great. The cross you show here definitely supports your model, and shows that the alternative is inconsistent. The format looks good too; this would get full credit. Nice job!
Have a good weekend.
Wheeeeeeeeeeee! All that hard work worked! Yay!
Yikes. Metra train derailed this morning. Hope there's not too many hurt.
I'd rather start on getting some of the inequities out of the current tax code. For one - the mortgage interest deduction. It's a good thing, and has a real purpose that it actually accomplishes, i.e., encouraging home ownership. But there's no reason why people should be able to deduct the interest on a second home. It's just a gimme, frankly.
Heh. Teppy, you have no idea how relieved I was to recently (finally!) break that streak for this apartment...
It took an ex coming to town for me to accomplish that.
Update: Cousin Steve still living out of his Chevy Suburban; still jobless.
OTOH? Not living here.
Except his stuff still is. blecch.
All that hard work worked! Yay!
Darn skippy YAY!
Trash has been taken out, same with recycling, cat box was changed and there are only minor dishes in the sink. It's nowhere near clean but now if people come by I won't need to hide in the closet and hope they go away.
Coffee has also been procured. Now I want a nap. I should probably toss a load of laundry in first though.
I've had a shitty morning.
I went out to this place that does a farmer's market...different vendors. And I bought $20 worth of stuff. Paid with a $50. Went to take my coworker her part (she ended up giving me a $20 and calling it even) --- she works weekends and really wanted some white acre peas and okra.
I realize when she gives me the twenty, I don't have change. So, great! I walked off without it.
I go back and tehy tell that's couldn't possibly happen. They only took 2 $50s and they weren't from em (the girl who took them verified that).
I'm like, no the guy took my money. So he shows me his wad which has a freaking $50 ni it! But no, that's a twenty they say and don't fan it all out so I can see it. Besides, they tell me, all the twenties and fifties go to the main guy. But I swear that was my fifty.
We argue and basically Ihave to leave $30 short. Which sucks because I know that they have my money, that it was probably some sort of mistake but I was getting upset and had to leave before I started looking like the Raving bitch from hell.