I take home 65%. That's with no state income tax, but including health insurance, etc. Although, it doesn't include the pretax investment stuff, because I am a bad person planner, and haven't signed up for it
Aimee, I actually winced when I read about your thumb. Dang. Ow.
It's all swollen and fat.
I've decided to tell people this is what happened to my hips. They got slammed in the hatchback of my minivan.
::bang:: ::bang:: ::bang:: ::bang:: ::bang:: ::bang::
That is the sound of my head hitting the wall.
Biology lab reports are hard.
I've decided to tell people this is what happened to my hips. They got slammed in the hatchback of my minivan.
t Super Porny Pants is pleased to see that the MiracleBorns are putting their 'Burbmobile to such excellent use :::::SWOOOOSH:::::
rubs head
I hate it when I walk right into stuff
Biology lab reports ARE hard. I wish you luck.
I think I figured it out! Just e-mailed it to my TA to have her rip it apart.
Pretty. I love that color.
It is 5:15 and everyone in my department left early. I, however, am not leaving early because starting next week I have PT three times a week and will be in late (and working through my lunch and making up the time but it's still coming in late...) nine times in the next three weeks already. Um, and I am whiny. I mention it because there's no way you could tell...
I just put 23 change orders in for one job. Good god this just needs to go to press. That's over forty hours at at least $100 an hour that I am billing.
I'm going to dink around for the next 12 minutes and then leave. On time.
The only bad thing is, when it's just me I can get loads more done around here.
Purty dress...
And it's time! Wheeeeeeeeee!