Which, actually, less than I pay... I agree with Laura above and would totally be in favor of a flat tax. Just X% and that's what they get. I would be far less grouchy about it that way.
ION, I called my pharmacy for a refill that needed a doctor's approval today. Talked to the pharmacist making sure they were faxing it soon. They said they were. Waited two hours, called my doctor's office to make sure that they had received the fax. They said they did. Called my doctor's office again two hours later to see if the fax had been signed and returned. It had. Called the pharmacy again to make sure that they had both received the fax and actually filled it. It's ready! And yet? Still easier than the last two times.
I'm bored, y'all. Entertain me for the few minutes I have left here. Pretty please??
Awww, the "we all *wish* we were paying 15%" x-post...
Right now, at what I make, between federal taxes, social security, medicare and state taxes I get to take home 72% of what I make, P-C.
Okay, at first I read that as they took
72%, and my mind was boggling. But still, crappity. Down with government! Up with me!
35% comes out of my paycheck... Well a little more than that because I have a few things set up for pre-tax. Thirty-five...
I am hoping to decrease that after the end of the year with some creative (but legal) accounting.
Right now, at what I make, between federal taxes, social security, medicare and state taxes I get to take home 72% of what I make, P-C. And I'm definitely not in even an upper-middle class tax bracket.
Sail is me. But, add in 401K and health insurance contributions, and I take home about 55% of my pay.
Taxes blow.
That is all.
Well, no. Also, my uterus is such a drama queen with the cramps. Enough, already!
I'm going to walk on the treadmill in the hopes that endorphins will trump cramps.
I read that as they took away 72%
There are days it definitely
like it!
Taxes blow.
And not in that tingly sort of way.
ChiKat, that's about what I take home, too, for the same reasons. You know what really sucks? My take home pay is less than I was taking home 12 years ago when I got out of the Navy. I miss my non-taxable allowances.