Someone down the hall is cooing at the security guard. I don't know why. Last I checked he hadn't brought a baby penguin to work or anything. It's an odd coversation to catch 1/3 of.
Her: High pitched cooing stuff.
Him: Grumbly bass reply.
Her: Coo coo I don't know where coo coo.
Him: Grumbly bass reply.
Yay, vw! Still the bug that could!
Yay vw!! Go you!
(Also, sorry for dropping off of AIM this morning. Computer booted me and then work got a tad hectic. Kinda like now.)
Whoa. Didn't know all that about Splenda. Dioxin, for real? Damn.
All the artificial things are a crapshoot. I find Splenda easier on me than aspartme, but the reverse is true for other people I know.
Natural substitutes like stevia aren't much better, despite some claims.
I just wish US sodas were made with sugar instead of HFCS. Then I'd treat myself to the occasional one, but as it stands, HFCS tastes like ass, so it's diet soda for me.
There are sodas elsewhere that are made with sugar instead of HFCS?
Yay for vw!
There are sodas elsewhere that are made with sugar instead of HFCS?
Yep. Most places other than the US, actually.
For diabetics or those who have other blood sugar uses, I can understand table use of sugar substitutes. For people who can metabolize sugar, since a teaspoon of sugar only has 16 calories, I don't understand consuming the sugar substitutes in coffee, or on a bowl of cereal. Does anyone here do that?
Soda's a different issue. If someone were telling me to give up my coffee, I'd have to stop drinking it long enough to decide if I should stab them or mock them, so I understand the soda junkies, and I understand why they choose diet soda, for both taste and calorie-watching measures. I was a soda junkie for a long, long time.