Meet the newest research assistant for the Center for Social Development and Education and UMass Boston.
And? I'm getting $1 more an hour than their maximum. I feel loved.
Oh, but I think I'm gonna break the heart of the director of the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy. As I left her office earlier today, she said, "Please pick us."
What is dioxin and what's bad about it?
Remember the Ukraine (Russian?) election, and poor Viktor Yushchenko getting poisoned? Dioxin.
Yay, vw! And "aw" to the director of the other center. Still, $1 over max is awesome.
Whole Foods will not carry foods with Splenda in them, and here's why.
Do they not carry Equal and other sweeteners, too?
t /no Whole Foods near me, sadly
Okay. I just threw away my bottle of Diet Coke with Splenda and if anyone talks smack about aspartme I'll point them to the splenda dixion thing.
YAY for vw's awesome new job! And don't worry - the Center will find someone nearly as cool as you.
t hugs her shiny local co-op to her tightly
t hugs the near-ish Whole Foods to her tightly
I love my dead gay hippie food stores.
Someone down the hall is cooing at the security guard. I don't know why. Last I checked he hadn't brought a baby penguin to work or anything. It's an odd coversation to catch 1/3 of.
Her: High pitched cooing stuff.
Him: Grumbly bass reply.
Her: Coo coo I don't know where coo coo.
Him: Grumbly bass reply.
Yay, vw! Still the bug that could!
Yay vw!! Go you!
(Also, sorry for dropping off of AIM this morning. Computer booted me and then work got a tad hectic. Kinda like now.)