I just realized. With the whole having a new doctor thing, I might finally be able to get a scrip for something that will help me sleep. That would be so nice. I'm rather tired of this 2 am (3am.... 5am...) I ought to be in bed thing.
I am sad to say that I liked the mary sue character up until The Parental Tragedy (tm) was revealed. That was just over the top. If they don't talk about it again it might be okay.
I just realized. With the whole having a new doctor thing, I might finally be able to get a scrip for something that will help me sleep.
That would be wonderful. My Ambien will be pryed from my cold hands. Though remembering to take it about two hours ago would be a good idea.
I actually liked Bones Sue well enough. Especially the tipsy shooting bit. It's just a show that will likely go on and I will watch and then go away and I won't mourn. No idea if that is four episodes from now or four years from now but it won't wound me when it does and I will enjoy the pretties for a while.
Cass, if I do see you, remind me that I have something for you.
That's bribery!!!
It is an effective method with me
It's actually just something I don't want to post on an open board.
(now, that might be bribery).
Huh. Not in Bitches? So, not porn then apparently?
Anyway, bribery or no, I am looking forward to Saturday.
Me too. There's gonna be cake.
What kind?
I need to figure out what to get my niece for her sixteenth birthday (Monday) party next next weekend. I am resisting the urge to get her a chastity belt as being overly protective and possibly illegal.
I hae lost v's on my keyboard currently so I hae to find one, copy it and then go to the frelling menu (or right click) to paste it because the v doesn't work when I want to cntl v. It is affecting my word choices and not in a good way.