Yay Cash! Glad the wee one is percolating along just fine.
My new next door neighbors from New Orleans have a 6 month old baby girl. She is so cute. I hope to see her awake next time though.
I've been at work an hour and it is still too darn early.
eta - too early to try to spell good.
Congrats to Cash.
This -
Octopus Woman Please Let Me Go
- is still making me laugh.
Also, I just realized it could be an alternate orignal title of HELP!
That is all.
urg, I think I'm psyching myself up to be sick. I just handwashed a couple spoons here at the office and didn't rinse one very well, because as I was finishing up my yogurt I could taste the dishwashing detergent. Just a trace amount, I'd think. I tried to spit it out, but I don't know if I ingested it. Now my stomach is all crampy and hurts.
Am I overreacting? A former roommate would justify her wildly excessive use of water while washing dishes by saying that if you didn't get all the suds off, you'd get really sick.
Nora, was it the the sort of dish detergent you use in a dish washer, or to hand wash?
Jilli and others who don't like the 8-legged types, don't read:
I killed a baby tarantula in my bathroom this morning!!! It was only maybe 2-3 inches across, but it had furry legs/body. It was actually very pretty, but there was NO WAY I was going to let it stay in my bathroom or try to catch-and-release such a huge spider.
Am I overreacting? A former roommate would justify her wildly excessive use of water while washing dishes by saying that if you didn't get all the suds off, you'd get really sick.
The worst thing I ever heard about ingesting soap is that it acts like a laxative. I don't know if trace amounts are going to cause that kind of problem, though.
eta But Cindy's question is a good one - dishwasher soap is a lot harsher, I think.
BTW, how did class go (and the trip home after)?
Nora, my thought is that if dish soap was seriously bad for you, they wouldn't let you wash your dishes with it. It just tastes bad!
hand wash dish soap. And, Megan, good point.
Welcome, Shambles! I adore your name.
Awww, Nora, I'm sorry. A mouthful of soap is just nast.
A former roommate would justify her wildly excessive use of water while washing dishes by saying that if you didn't get all the suds off, you'd get really sick.
Huh. When I was doing my JYA in England, the Brits on my hall never, ever rinsed their dishes. They'd run them under hot water, soap them up, and then just put them in the rack to dry, and they all rolled their eyes forever whenever I rinsed.
Not that I'm accusing the entire UK of this -- the sample size (five first-year university students) was a little small, and it's entirely possible, based on the bizarre dining choices they made that they were simply slightly pampered kids whose mothers had never let them in the kitchen and the entire cooking and cleaning up afterwards thing was a deep and inscrutable mystery.
Still, soap on the dishes. All the dishes. All the time.
Great, now I'm psyching myself up to be sick along with you, Nora.
hand wash dish soap. And, Megan, good point.
You're fine. Don't worry about it.
I think some dishwashing machine detergent has lye in it, which is why I asked. Even then, trace amounts I wouldn't sweat.