My girl decided 4 am was a good time to wake up. We beat her back until 5:20, and now she is singing Rockabye Baby and Twinlke twinkle at the top of her lungs and wearing Daddy's sneakers (which are a size 13).
Congrats on the spoiler news, Cash. Can we start suggesting names now?
Hey Bitches!
Just a drive-by de-lurking because I thought this was too too funny:
Last night, I guess following Teppy's dream about Lilybean & Susan's about Annabel, I dreamt that I drove to Louisiana to rescue the latter two (dream geography prevailing, of course). Annabel was perfectly lucid and articulate, and helped me devise our escape plans, but warned me not to let her mother know, otherwise she'd send her to school early and *that* sounded like a drag. Dream obstacles overcome and rescue succesfully accomplished, we later kept in touch by frequent email...
(Oh me? Been around here for years, on-and-off. Such a Buffista-in-waiting you can't even imagine: ex-librarian; rabid Buffy, Angel, Firefly, LoTR, TDS fan; philosophy post-graduate; webmistress; sci-fi-writer-wannabe; grammar nerd from hell; prone to depression and anxiety but living and loving life; purple-haired eldergoth -- LJ lurker too, but hey Jilli; generally pretty fucking awesome but definitely one of life's spectators.)
Anyway, the punchline of my dream and point of all this publicity: in our later correspondence, Annabel asked for reassurance of secrecy regarding her advanced skills. My reply, and I shit you not:
"As you wish it honey, of course -- but you know, I'll always support you in dreammail".
Brains are cool!
Shambles, you have spicy braiiiiiiiiiiiins, and I'm not sure whether snuggling or eating them is the better part. How would you feel about both?
My masculine whatnot has killed the thread. Thank you, deeply inappropriate spam!
I misread this as "inappropriate sperm", and had time to think, "Really up for sharing us with AS, isn't he?" before rereading. But I'm not sure she's prepared to know just how many people around the world are loving her.
ETA: Also, I am such a freakin' tuls rebmun.
I misread this as "inappropriate sperm", and had time to think, "Really up for sharing us with AS, isn't he?" before rereading. But I'm not sure she's prepared to know just how many people around the world are loving her.
Hee. We did already have the "Just how many people have you told about me?" "Umm... About 200?" conversation. And she occasionally asks me what I've been saying about her. But yeah, it's a little hard to explain this place.
Oh, hi Shambles!
Hiya Shambles!
ex-librarian; rabid Buffy, Angel, Firefly, LoTR, TDS fan; philosophy post-graduate; webmistress; sci-fi-writer-wannabe; grammar nerd from hell; prone to depression and anxiety but living and loving life; purple-haired eldergoth
It's like we put her together from spare parts in the Buffista basement. <looks suspiciously toward MM>
Congrats on the expected arrival, Cash!
Yay Cash! Glad the wee one is percolating along just fine.
My new next door neighbors from New Orleans have a 6 month old baby girl. She is so cute. I hope to see her awake next time though.
I've been at work an hour and it is still too darn early.
eta - too early to try to spell good.
Congrats to Cash.
This -
Octopus Woman Please Let Me Go
- is still making me laugh.
Also, I just realized it could be an alternate orignal title of HELP!
That is all.