I was totally the oldest person at my show that wasn't a parent. Thankfully I don't look like a parent, so I was able to just pretend I was young. I was wearing cute shooz, and that's all you need.
I did come away with unintentional footage of shirtless sweaty Cab boys, though. Oops?
So. Jealous. I loved the Hushies at the HCT, and there wasn't enough set for me.
I think I might, um, look like a parent. I mean, I definately don't look younger than 25 at the youngest (I am close to 35, so I do look young for my age). I dress like neither a parent or a teenager, though, so I have no idea. I could see if my cow-orkers 13 year old daughter likes The Cab....
Eh, just go anyway, and screw 'em if they don't like it. That's what I say.
Seriously! I would totally go with you, but ... Buffalo? That's kind of a hike for one night.
I am seriously thinking about it-- it is a hike for me too, but TWICE the hike for you! I know people who do ROchester to Buffalo in an hour, but I do not drive that fast! I am thinking of asking my friend Katie to go with me-- if her son doesn't have anywhere to be the next day, she probably would, and there would be a chance of a free overnight in Buffalo. Plus she is really outgoing and never embarrassed about anything, so, a good buffer.
New Paul Westerberg on is $0.49 on Amazon - so if I dl from Amazon - can I get it to play on my nano?
Amazon sells mp3s, right? If so, they'll play on your Nano.
Yeah, amazon mp3s play on iPods
My computer seems to not be dling Amazon's mp3 thingy.