Er, for the non-Francophones, could you explain why that's a good play on words? I recognize the words for eyes and head, but that's about it....
Well, if you translate it literally (It won't cost you the eyes of your head), it doesn't seem bizarre because it's close to the original line:
All we want to do is eat your brains
We’re not unreasonable, I mean, no one’s gonna eat your eyes
but "coûter les yeux de la tête" is actually an idiomatic expression for something that is expensive, or a big deal. So here it would mean "It's no big deal", which is also very much in keeping with the first part of that same line.
Oh, that's indeed very clever! I love it when some translator gets to out-clever the original. Alas, my near-monolingual status means I don't get to appreciate it too often.
:: makes note to take off a year for total immersion Spanish sometime soon ::
I love it when some translator gets to out-clever the original.
I think translation is incredibly hard, so I really admire people who do a good job with it. Thank you
Pulp Fiction
subtitler, wherever you are!
Thank you Pulp Fiction subtitler.
"What do they call a Royale with Cheese?"
"A Royale with Cheese!"
That's even worse than the kids tuning into House after American Idol and asking, "What's that 'teenage wasteland' song?"
People calling it Teenage Wasteland irritates me at the molecular level. I'm sure of this.
How about a Creem/Asia supergroup reunion tour?
Cream didn't have Lester Bangs.