Jon, Matthew Ryan's version of "Little Drummer Boy" on this album is very eerie and ghostly and haunting. And Vince Guaraldi's "My Little Drum" from
A Charlie Brown Christmas
is the exact opposite, a totally joyful variant.
This is possibly the most obvious and pedestrian suggestion anyone could possibly make, yet my Guaraldi love compels me to hit "Post" anyway.
No, those are both great suggestions -- thanks!
You know, someone could do a cover using a cheap Casio keyboard and a voice synthesizer à la MC Hawking....
Thank you, Jon! I'll point my friend there.
BTW, Jilli? Have you gotten the Siouxisie solo album yet? Because it's good. Really, REALLY good.
Of COURSE I have it. I think it's fabulous, and I am filled with despair that she's not coming to Seattle on tour.
We are going to the LA Siouxsie show. Woot!
checks tour dates
Damn, only New York on the east coast? Frelling Big Apple. That's a microscopic tour, though. Sheesh.
Jon, the Hoodoo Gurus do a great version called "Little Drummer Boy (Up the Khyber)" that I can send to you.
Hec, you should talk Jilli into going down to SF for the Siouxsie show. Hell, you should go yourself - I think you'll really dig the spy jazz number she does on her album.
Jilli! Come down to San Francisco and see the Siouxsie with me! And JZ and Juliana and other people.
Let's spend money we don't have.